What Dreams May Come...
Two years ago if anyone had told me I would have my own
cake company I would have thought they were two bricks
shy of a load and that their pilot light had been blown out.
But lo and behold, here am I, with a wonderful & growing
cake company that received a great review in the Arkansas
Times. Read about it here and please come try everything for yourself:
As any baker will tell you, the process of baking is a heart
and soul thing. Your full attention is required and if you
have all your ingredients beforehand it is truly a peaceful
event. Here’s what can happen when you DON’T pay
attention: baking soda overload, and there is no turning
back when this happens. No remedy, no way to alter my
course or turn back the hands time…the batter was simply
done for. Nowadays, when you walk in my kitchen and you
hear me counting out loud, you’ll know why! Live, learn,
Speaking of growing, the next phase of growth will be a double oven, as pictured above. I can just see it now: baking two dozen baby Bundt cakes at a time…I will be floating in the clouds and smiling like crazy! Don’t know how or when I’ll have it, but I know it is in my near future.
Two new Baby Bundt flavors coming to the Hillcrest
Farmers Market starting tomorrow morning, and the
Westover Hill Farmers Market on Tuesday: Peach Schnapps
and Blackberry Schnapps. Judging by the reactions of my
taste testing staff, they will be a hit. One way to eat them during the hot summer days: Put them in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving with your favorite coffee. So, so good.
Have a great weekend, stay safe and spend your time with
quality people. You’ll always be glad you did.
All the best,
Connally’s granddaughter
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